MON 24 MARCH - SUN 30 MARCH 2025


  The instructions are so simple: Avoid evil and do good. Why can’t we just write that in large letters over our beds and make sure we read it before we put our feet on the floor each morning? Then, as Zen Master Seung Sahn said, “just do it”? Avoid evil and do good, moment to moment to moment.

The precepts spell out the major hindrances. It’s so obvious what these hindrances are and so helpful to be reminded of them. Read them and be honest with yourself; ask yourself to deepen your understanding of what it means to not take what is not given. What does it mean when it says to always tell the truth? Did we “kill” anything today? Were we destructive? How intimately familiar can we become with the precepts so that we can put our feet on the floor in the morning and not have to think of dichotomies such as good and evil? The precepts become, “How may I help you?”

               ...Zen Master Soeng Hyang, Bobby Rhodes

To join in person, visit the Guidelines for our health and safety protocols. All times are Eastern Standard Time.

Special Programs

Classes / Talks / Interviews / Groups



SATURDAY 29 MARCH 2025. 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Note:  Registration CLOSES Thursday 27 March at noon.

This popular biannual retreat for college students is an intensive day of meditation with your peers in a non-threatening environment in a serenely lovely dharma room. Included is instruction, a dharma talk, a few hours of sitting meditation in 30 minute segments alternating with 10 minutes of walking meditation, a delicious vegetarian lunch, a walk outside, and a personal kong-an session. Cost is $35. A rare and precious opportunity for personal growth and insight.

Two-Day YMJJ 12 & 13 April

Led by Zen Master Wu Kwang & Dyan Eagles, JDPSN

8:00 AM - 9:30 PM SATURDAY & 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM SUNDAY

Registration closes Friday 11 April at noon. Zen Master Wu Kwang leading Saturday on Zoom & Dyan Eagles, JDPSN leading on Sunday in person.

Zen Master Wu Kwang, (Richard Shrobe) is one of the first American students to receive transmission from Zen Master Seung Sahn and is the guiding teacher of the Chogye International Zen Center of New York.

For more info and to register, click the link above.



Join this event over Zoom: Meeting ID 876 2455 3876     

Dharma talks give you an opportunity to ask questions you might have about Buddhism, Zen teachings, or the connection between Zen meditation and daily life. This event is followed by refreshments and social time.

Jennifer Magrone, Senior Dharma Teacher will answer questions after an introductory talk by Jack Rubien.

 Jennifer Magrone is a Senior Dharma Teacher in the Kwan Um School of Zen. She began practicing at CZC in 1993 and was a resident for 7 years. She served on staff during her residency and is a long -time member of the Board of Directors. Jennifer also leads the monthly meditation group Unpacking Whiteness as part of our Social Justice and Diversity Initiative. She lives in Malden with two teenage children and works as an investigator of workplace complaints of discrimination or harassment.

Jack Rubien is a biologist at MIT where he does lab research and is an organizer with the MIT graduate student union. He began exploring Buddhist meditation traditions in 2018 and practiced Vipassana and Soto Zen before coming to the Cambridge Zen Center. He has been a resident here since last September 2024. Aside from the lab bench and the cushion, Jack enjoys spending time with friends, especially at Veggie Galaxy or on long walks.



Come early and join us for a delicious vegetarian dinner with a $10 suggested donation followed by chanting at 6:30PM prior to the standard Tuesday Long Sitting.


TUESDAY 25 MARCH 7:30-9:30 PM

Join URL: Tuesday Zoom Meditation Practice / Meeting ID: 858 3084 3540

Zen Master Bon Yeon, Jane Dobisz will offer KONG-AN Interviews. There will be three sitting periods of 30 minutes.

* Note: interviews may begin at 7:00 pm.

- 7:30-8:00pm Sitting (interviews begin) - 8:00-8:10pm Walking

-  8:10-8:40pm Sitting -  8:40-8:50pm Walking

-  8:50-9:20pm Sitting -  9:20-9:30pm Heart Sutra, Great Dharani, 4 Great Vows

If you are new, please arrive 10-15 minutes early for brief instruction on our practice forms.


In these 90-minute sessions, we explore practices that link to our various experiences of belonging and otherness, as well as our interest in social, racial, and environmental justice. Our group is especially interested in engaged Buddhism, and our practices will include 30 minutes of sitting meditation alongside diverse other forms of practice. Our aim is to create practice space, encourage interfaith Zen dialogue, and build community. All those who identify as BIPOC are welcome to join our practice sessions. Please contact kfoo (kaephu@proton.me) with questions or to join our list! 


WED 16 APRIL 8:15PM - 9:15 PM    

 Meeting ID: 81745484299

 (1st & 3rd  Wednesdays on Zoom)

In these one hour meetings, we join together to talk about race and dharma practice, and examine how white privilege operates as we examine the question "What Am I?"  The group is currently working with Composting Our Karma:  Turning Confusion into Lessons for Awakening Our Innate Wisdom by Barbara Rhodes, Zen Master Soeng Hyang.  We use three passages from the book followed by questions to guide our discussion.  There is no need to purchase the book, the passages for discussion are posted in the zoom chat.  We welcome new members - no experience necessary. Inquiries are presented and facilitated by Senior Dharma Teacher Jennifer Magrone, who brings over ten years of professional experience with addressing how bias and identity oppression operate.  If you are curious - please join us!



This introduction to meditation is offered weekly in person for those new to Cambridge Zen Center or meditation practice. Highly recommended for new students prior to attending a practice session. Your questions will be answered and you are welcome to repeat sessions. Meditation Instruction is in person.



How does Zen Buddhist practice relate to our experiences of aging? Join us in a supportive community at the Cambridge Zen Center to explore this question through meditation and discussion. We will begin with 20 minutes of sitting meditation, followed by a group discussion of a pertinent topic … then refreshments! All are welcome, and instruction is available for people who are new to meditation. RSVP by email to director@cambridgezen.org


SUNDAY 30 MARCH 9:00-11:30 AM 

Meeting ID 816 7973 3521

Lorianne DiSabato, Senior Dharma Teacher will offer consulting Interviews. You may join the Zoom meeting at 9:00 AM or 9:30-9:40 and 10:10-10:20 AM. The long sitting concludes with the Four Great Vows. The last Sunday and Tuesday of each month will feature zoom participants first for interviews.

Download 2 Chants and 4 Great Vows


SUNDAY 30 MARCH 12:30-1:30 PM

Begin or deepen your meditation practice in community with other students and young adults. Each session includes sitting meditation, a check-in, and then a short talk or reading about how to integrate Zen practice into everyday life followed by refreshments.

Regular Practice

Daily Sitting & Chanting


Bows 5:45 AM daily except Sunday

Chanting 6:10 AM daily except Tuesday and Sunday

Sitting 6:35 AM daily except on Tuesday and Sunday

Description: AM Meditation Practice in person consists of bows and the Morning Bell Chant followed by the Heart Sutra in English. There is a 30-minute period of sitting.


Sitting 12:30 PM on Tuesday and Thursday for 30 minutes. There is no need to register, just ring the door bell for entrance 10 minutes beforehand.


Special chanting 6:30 PM daily

Regular chanting 7:00 PM daily

Sitting 7:30 PM daily except on Thursday*

Description: PM Meditation Practice consists of a 35-minute period of sitting followed by a short reading concluding at 8:10 PM. Note: *On Tuesday evenings, join us for two sitting periods with interviews from 7:30 PM - 8:40PM. You may join the Tuesday Zoom Meditation Practice / Meeting ID 85830843540 Please join the meeting on time.

Upcoming & Ongoing

Events / News

Protect The Jewel  We are so grateful for your support in keeping our doors open for 50 years!  Please help us continue to serve the needs of the community for a long time to come by using any of the following ways to donate: click on the “Protect the Jewel” for GoFundMe; find Venmo@cambridgezencenter under “Czc Zen”; a donation box is located in the Reception Room for cash or mail us a check to Cambridge Zen Center.  We are a 501(c)(3) organization and our Tax ID is listed at the bottom of this page.

CZC Residency:  If you have wanted to live in a practicing community, for either short or long-term, your opportunity awaits! Check out our residential requirements and for more information contact abbot@cambridgezen.org. Applications can be submitted online.

Membership is the most effective way to help the Cambridge Zen Center. When you join as a member, you also join the Kwan Um School of Zen, a worldwide community. Become a member today by completing this online Membership Application.

Kyol Che retreat Jan 4 - April 4 at Diamond Hill Monastery, Last entry date is 29 March at Providence Zen Center. Kyol Che is a time of intensive group practice. Each year, Dharma Teachers and Zen practitioners from all over the world join Kyol Che to practice ‘together action’ to benefit all sentient beings. Prior retreat experience in the Kwan Um School of Zen is required to enter Kyol Che. One and two-day meditation retreats in KUSZ is recommended. Minimum one week participation necessary.

Precepts Ceremony April 5 2025 Buddha's Birthday, Providence Zen Center   The Precepts ceremony for Buddha’s Birthday at PZC will be after lunch Saturday April 5th, 2025. Deadline to apply has passed but All are welcome to attend.

Buddha’s Birthday Celebration Providence Zen Center April 5 & 6th Meet and get to know the sangha! Register in advance and join for either one or both days, Saturday begins with coffee hour at 9AM then ceremony in morning, precepts in afternoon and ends with evening activities. Book signing and Dharma talk and sitting with Zen Master Soeng Hyang Sunday. For more info and to register click link above.

Online Sangha Events are also available at any sister sangha in the Kwan Um School of Zen Americas. See other opportunities in Europe and Asia, plus another calendar of KUOS events with schedules for online retreats and practice opportunities.

Composting Our Karma; Turning Confusion into Lessons for Awakening Our Innate Wisdom. A new book by our School Zen Master, Barbara Rhodes, Zen Master Soeng Hyang is out and is available for purchase at Shambhalla Publishers, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, at the CZC Book Store and at Providence Zen Center. Zen Master Bobby will do a book signing on April 5th and 6th at PZC.

KWan UM WorldwidE

Events at Sister Sanghas