A Letter from Zen Master Bon Yeon, Jane Dobisz
Dear Sangha Members and Friends,
We’d like to take a moment to thank you for all your support of the Cambridge Zen Center. Thanks to your generous donations, and a matching grant from the Historical Commission of Cambridge for $75,000, we have restored all three front entrances, stairways, vestibules, and gardens from 193 to 199 Auburn Street. This was a huge project that involved a lot of work and planning from the team at CZC. We hope you will be tempted to walk through these beautifully restored entryways to practice with us in person and on Zoom.
For over 50 years the Cambridge Zen Center has opened its doors every morning and evening, free of charge, offering the practices of sitting and walking meditation, bowing, chanting, classes, groups, weekly dharma talks, and monthly retreats. As one of the largest residential zen centers in the country, it’s awe-inspiring to think of the tens of thousands of people who have lived and practiced with our community. In addition to daily programs, we have developed a thriving young zen program, created a monthly social justice diversity and inclusion program, college zen communities, semiannually college retreat, an ongoing volunteer prison program and much more.
Our Fall Garden
The cost of maintaining the programs and the zen center itself (in addition to our two apartment buildings) is very high. We have made alot of progress in repairing the deck, addressing the foundation and electrical issues, with outdoor lighting and repairing the trash enclosure area but we have far more to do. We now need to replace the roof of the Main House, update more electrical, add to the outdoor lighting, repair the parking lot, continue to replace more windows, repair appliances. After three long years of mostly Zoom practice, we are now inviting teachers from around the world to visit in person to lead retreats and give talks and interviews.
Restored front entrance at 199 Auburn Street, Cambridge
We welcome your continued support, whether that may be joining us for practice and sangha events, volunteering for projects, or any tax-deductible financial contributions you are able to make. Please help CZC continue to offer Zen Master Seung Sahn’s teachings for the next fifty years and hopefully beyond!
Yours in the Dharma,
Zen Master Bon Yeon and the CZC Family
Thank you for your donation to Cambridge Zen Center. We depend on your generosity to fund our meditation programs.
1. Donate by Venmo or Credit Card with the buttons below.
For Venmo our handle is @cambridgezencenter, and you can find us as “Czc Zen.”
2. Donate by check.
Please make your check payable to Cambridge Zen Center and mail to:
Cambridge Zen Center
199 Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
3. Use our donation box at 199 Auburn Street in the Reception Room to leave cash or check donations.
4. To donate stocks or other securities, click here.
5. Planned giving from your estate has more information below:
If you have benefited from the programs at Cambridge Zen Center, please consider making a gift from your estate. Simply include Cambridge Zen Center as a beneficiary in your:
· Will or Revocable Trust
· Retirement plan or bank account
· Life insurance policy
You can use the sample bequest language found in the PDF below or you may consult with your attorney. At your request, we can provide a copy of the Cambridge Zen Center 501(c)3 tax-exempt determination letter from the IRS.